Training: Back-to-Basics – The Collection III

I am a bit short on time to write something new for CyberAwake this week, having been catching up following a weeks leave and starting a new IT and Cyber Security Audit. I have something for you from Smart Thinking Solutions’,  Wednesday Bit, about training – again written when I was busy!

Training is key to effective team cyber security!

Having come back from a weeks holiday, I have been busy catching up, so this week I am going to take the opportunity to remind you about my collection of Back-to-Basics cyber security primers.

Why am I doing this? Because we can all benefit from some cyber security training, whatever our level of expertise. In researching and keeping these primers up-to-date I keep my cyber security knowledge current, something our clients rely on.

The articles are not always published here on Smart Thinking, I also publish chapters on both CyberAwake and Octagon Technology.

Training: Back-to-Basics – The Collection III Cyber Awake

The Back-to-Basics Collection

Here they are in no particular order.

Ransomware – A Primer

A Zero-day Primer

MFA – A Primer

Credentials – A Primer

Back to Basics – A Password Primer

Devices and Cyber Security – A Primer

The Principle of Least Privilege and Authentication, Authorisation and Accountability

Encryption – A Primer

And here is the latest Back-to-Basics mini-series:

Never Finished

At one time or another I have considered the above series complete, however I quickly found out that this was not the case. All of them have had extra chapters added or updates made to the reflect the ever changing cyber security landscape – have a look at the ransomware or password series to see what I mean.

It is always worth a revisit to the pages to see what has changed.

Do you have a suggestion?

If you have a suggestion for a back to basics feature then get in contact and I will see what I can do for you. I’ll even add a link to you in the article, if you are interested.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – 
by-line and other articles

Featured photo by Pixabay

In text photo by cottonbro studio