Privacy and Encryption

Over the past few weeks, I have been writing about privacy here – I have linked the articles below – and at the same time, I was reading up on encryption for a “Wednesday Bit” article on Smart Thinking last week – Encryption or Not Encryption. Both sets of research led me to a 2016 essay by the public-interest technologist Bruce Schneier.

Having read the essay twice, I felt it had to be today’s article.

The Value of Encryption – Schneier on Security

It is rare for me to duplicate my content across the sites I write for – but I did today. This essay fits neatly into the privacy theme running on CyberAwake and on Smart Thinking it leads nicely on from my encryption article.

Privacy and Encryption Cyber Awake

Privacy, Encryption, Governments, Threat Actors

This is one of those articles that does not teach you anything but simply supplies you with source information. You need to make up your mind about the important issue he discusses that could impact you or your organisation’s cyber security and privacy. If you do not like what he says – do not ignore him, do some reading of your own to reassure yourself you are making the right decisions.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – 
by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Social Media and Privacy – CyberAwake

Open Source Intelligence – OSINT – CyberAwake

More About Privacy – CyberAwake

Bruce Schneier on Smart Thinking Solutions

Featured photo by Scott Webb

In text photo by Burst