Expert Cyber Security Services
And Cyber Awareness
In Lincoln & Nottingham

One of the best ways to improve your Cyber Security protection is to train your team to spot and identify Cyber attacks. Employees trigger 90% of attacks. *ICO 2019.

EXPERT Cyber Security CONSULTANCY in Lincoln & Nottingham

Home OLD Cyber Awake

Security Penetration (PEN) Testing

Advanced Penetration Testing and Reporting Service. Understand your security risks and where you are vulnerable, either externally (Public facing) or internally (Wi-Fi or LAN).

Home OLD Cyber Awake

Security Remediation

We can undertake or assist your internal IT Team in securing and remedying security risks ascertained from testing and implementing best practices.

Home OLD Cyber Awake

Cyber Security Training

We offer full training by industry experts. Delivery via online e-learning, at your work or via video conference.

Home OLD Cyber Awake

Endpoint Protection & Monitoring

Cyber Security Monitoring helps to identify cyber security attacks quickly, assess the risk and deploy an appropriate response to reduce the possibility of disruption.

Home OLD Cyber Awake

Email Spoof Testing

Identify the users who need additional support and trigger our safe malware on your business systems. We send real examples of malicious emails we have seen in the field.

Home OLD Cyber Awake

Incident Response

During or after an attack, we work to Minimise your damage, Restore your regular service and, if required, assist the authorities with evidence. We have professionals on call who are ready to respond.

Home OLD Cyber Awake

Certification & Compliance

Be recognised as an organisation that takes Cyber Security Seriously with certification, or we ensure you meet your legal or regulatory requirements with compliance.

Home OLD Cyber Awake

Policies and Procedures

Cyber security policies and procedures are needed so that you can take steps to strengthen your security posture.

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Vulnerability Assessments

We will map out the areas of your network that may be under-protected or exposed, assess the risk level, and provide recommendations for each service or device.

Why USE cyber awake for your cyber security?

You're in Safe Hands

Our large multi-disciplined team includes dedicated cyber security speciliasts and industry-leading IT experts.

Qualified and Certified

Qualified to the latest Advanced standards with years of experience.

Appropiate Security

One size doesn't fit all; Cyber Security should be appropriate for your business size, type and number of users.

Cost Effective Security

We have a cost-effective service specific to your requirements. Customers range from enterprises and schools to SMEs.

Contact Us

For a Free No-Obligation Consultation by a Cyber Security Specialist.

Call 01522 508089 or fill in this form for a Call Back.

If employees can’t recognise your CYBER SECURITY threats…

How can they protect your business?

Course features

  • Unique course content delivered by industry leaders
  • Engaging, non-technical approach
  • Real-world examples
  • 5-10 minutes “Coffee break” content.
  • Review the progress of your employees
  • Engage and debate, invoking conversations in your office
  • Course certification and quizzes.
  • Exam at end

Everything you need to know

  • Password Management
  • Email Security
  • Phishing & Spear
  • Phishing
  • Safe Remote Working
  • Being Secure Online
  • Social Engineering
  • Safe Fund Transfers
  • Reused Passwords
Home OLD Cyber Awake
Dont look the other way to Cyber Security

Don't look the other way to Cyber Security

Too often, organisations don’t take cyber security as seriously as they should. 

They contact us after an attack, where their staff have been duped into paying supplier invoices into a criminal bank account or Ramsonware is swarming through their network.

Cost-effective Cyber Security awareness goes hand in hand with Physical Security such as Firewalls and Endpoint Protection.


Organisations spend a lot of money to ensure that their systems are up-to-date and set up correctly. However, a user who is not cyber aware can bypass it passed simply with a single keystroke. Human error caused 90% of cyber data breaches in 2019, according to the analysis of data from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Would you trust your local GP to do your heart surgery, or would you want a heart surgeon? They are both Doctors.
So why trust your Cyber Security to a generalist IT company or your internal team?
A Cyber Security Expert is an expert with up-to-date knowledge of attack vectors currently used by Hackers and Bots on your systems and how you can protect against them.

With a Cyber Security Expert, you will get the best specialist advice to meet the current best practices for your industry and business.

IT changes rapidly; computers get faster. Hackers use more advanced techniques to gather your information and trick you into known software vulnerabilities to get into your systems. Previously secure algorithms used to protect your info could be accessed by brute force.

Best practices and standards constantly change, making threats more elaborate and technical. We recommend having a security review and a Security Penetration test every year to ensure you are safe.

Software updates are annoying. They stop you from working and often require a computer or server restart, but they are critical for applying security updates to ensure you minimise your risk.

Please ensure your staff run their security updates and do not postpone them; You can enforce update settings through your servers. We recommend using endpoint monitoring software to ensure that systems are always up-to-date.

The most neglected patching is Hardware updates; when was the last time you updated your firewall or network switches?
Your firewall is your first line of defence from outside-in attacks, yet so many SMEs don’t see the benefit of keeping it up to date or changing it when end-of-life.